
How Gaming is next big Tech Industry


From 2018 to up till now, we can see an upward trend in gaming industry. One of its main reasons is that in and after COVID-19 boom, people used to entertain themselves by playing different types of games on mobile, laptops and on computers. Video games become one of the best sources for people to connect or socialize with people in COVID. According to research, gaming industry returns more profits than movie and music industry combined. As technology advances, people tend to spend more of their times on gadgets rather than going out or doing any stuff to entertain themselves.

Factors that’s making gaming big Tech Industry

Some of main factors that are the causes behind gaming industry’s upward trend and boom in its revenue are as follows:


Gaming has now become one of the most commonly used forms for social interaction over the world. This feature of gaming leads towards its growth as gamers tends to communicate with others and make communities over streaming platforms which they use to share their experiences.

Increase in Access

There is an increase in upward trend of accessibility of gaming as mobile phones are becoming more and more common for use and easy available. Launch of mobile phone gaming make it more easy for people to play games at any time when they want and anywhere. Increase in virtual gaming also plays roles in attracting people as it creates competition among them which attract gamers even more. It is one of the major factor in making gaming industry one of the big sectors.

Advancements in technology

Due to lots of new changes in technology industry like creation of streaming platforms, it makes a new atmosphere for gamers to be in contact with each other, to make communities for sharing their experiences in same interests. Expansion of gaming industry is also due to increase in use of cell phone gaming as more people have access to phones now. This industry tends to expand and evolve as technology advances.

Change of Content

One of the best strategies of gaming industry to engage new audience is by making its content for all age groups and for all types of interests like from basic easy games to complex mind games. Due to large number of audience using games to lure their times this sectors returns are increasing day by day making it one of the big sector.

New Markets Expansion

With introduction of new markets like game streaming platforms and esports especially, this sector has winningly taken the attention of non-gaming audience. Esports is becoming more attractive for players as well as non-players and making way for professional competitions. On the other hand, streaming platforms are providing a place to people to connect and share their thoughts and experiences they face while on different levels. These creative developments in this sector promote massive growth in gaming industry which seems not to slow down.